The best homework for all children is reading, sharing and talking about books, and parents showing an interest in their child’s education. Every child is expected to read most nights and they have reading records to record and share their successes with the school.
Children in Red and Orange Class have books which link to their phonics progression. The scheme we use in school is called ‘Letters and Sounds’. Children in Yellow Class may be on a book linked to this scheme or a ‘chapter book’. When children are ready in Key Stage 2 they can choose ‘chapter books’ from the school library, which are banded depending on difficulty.
Children in Key Stage 2 also have access to the brilliant Time Table Rock Stars website and app. Time Tables Rock Stars is paid for by the school and free for parents and children to access. It is an important tool for supporting your child’s learning of times tables and division facts, which underpin so much mathematics. For more information, please see the guide below.
If you have any questions about how to support your child with their learning at home, please come and talk to the class teacher.